Thursday 15 April 2010

Mini roof design!

Stacie and myself started working on the mini roof design brief that was posted just as we broke up as something a little extra to mix it up a bit! This was a very quick turn around with not much sketchbook work so here's a little insight.

First of all i'm going to cheat and say you can find our visual inspiration here.
Secondly, we were really inspired by this artist who has just won the Northern Art prize 2010, Pavel Buchler.

When you see our final design you may not think it resembles any influence of his work, but discovering the work started off a long train of thought!

''I love Manchester. Of all the regional cities I know, it has the least 'regional' attitude. Artists there are not chippy about the rest of the world." Buchler

Christoph Grunenberg, director of Tate Liverpool, agreed: "We are fighting against the London centre of gravity," he said. "And so we should be: there is incredible work going on here."

We wanted to make a design which represented the buzz in the North, not just creatively but in general. We began to think about the North star and how it is a guiding light, always leading North.

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