Sunday 9 January 2011

Happy New Blog!

Wow I can't believe it's been nearly 3 months since I've blogged! And its 2011? How did that happen?

Well since the New Year has begun, I thought I better conform to all the cliches and make some resolutions.  Unbelievably, I generally do keep my resolutions fairly well (last year I worked my way through all 12 books on my shelf that I hadn't read, stopped eating potatoes after lunchtime and joined a gym).  As cheesy as it is, I like the New Year being a big fat metaphor for a fresh start, and I usually think quite hard about what it is I want to do!  So here goes,

1. Blog (again)
During the final year of uni we were required to record every moment of our lives on here but now that student days are behind me and i'm not getting marked, I've decided my blog can take a much more visual approach.  After all, in the real world we never have to document and record every thought and reflection but instead it becomes just a natural part of the day.  So, from now on my blog will be much simpler, less about me and more about the big wide world with all together less writing and reflecting.  It will still be a little bit about me, though, with a few opinions thrown in, just no essays about greater meanings.  Apart from this post.

Good riddance to University!

2. Draw more - this is something I lost the time for when I was at uni so now seems the perfect time to get out the pencil sharpener!

3. Don't be complacent - I am loving my job as Junior Graphics and Marketing assistant right now and have learned so much already, but I've decided I don't want to miss any opportunity, so 2011 will be the year of seizing and building my career.

Watch this space everyone, I have lots of lovely things saved up from the last few months to show you.

Happy New Year!

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