Thursday 3 June 2010

Browser and Choice website

So, one task in paticular I have been putting off for literally weeks is designing a website to go with my Browser and choice campaign promoting browsers.  The initial part of the project was the creation of a fake 'estate agents' window to capture people's attention, and then lead them to a website where they can learn all about browsers, find the one that's right for them and download it!

Here's a few great websites I've been looking at for inspiration, not only great concepts, but innovative ideas about what websites can offer and how they can take you on an experience.

Below are images from 'read a book at work' website (which is no longer available) a campaign by a New Zealand agency for the council to encourage people to read more.  Basically, they released loads of e-books for free but designed them as windows desk tops and power point presentations so you don't get caught out by your boss! genius!

My website is all ready for my portfolio now =)

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