Friday 27 November 2009

The Neue gallery

The puling factor to this gallery was the Klimt work on display - One of my favourite artists of all time, and ever since I missed the exhibition in Liverpool I have been desperate to see some of his work for real. There was some other stuff along the way, including some nice posters and drawings we saw.

Berthold Loffler - Poster for the art show Vienna

Klimt - 1st Succession poster.

Berthold Loffler

Erich Heckel - White horses

Lyonel Feininger - I never heard of this artist before but his work has a really beautiful aesthetic and style to it.

Koloman Moser

Otto Mueller - I was strangely drawn to these drawings by Mueller, I don't know why but I really liked them.

Max Openheimer - I loved these paintings as well, very unique and quirky style to his portraits.

Leopold Stolba

Aah the Klimt - Adele. Seeing it in real life was better than I expected. The colours were a lot duller over the years than any of the prints you see, including this photograph, I guess they are always enhancing them. It also looked completly different, I always think of Klimt's paintings as kind of flat, as though the people have been rollered over or something, but only when I stood back from it and it was so big did I notice the fact she is meant to be sitting in an arm chair - I just saw it as pattern surrounding her before!

The Dancer

It was a shame that there was only two of Klimt's famous paintings up, I was hoping there would be more, but there was also loads of drawings and sketches he did which were really beautiful. You could see similar shapes and poses coming out in them as ended up in the paintings. Unfortunately we couldn't take pics and I can't find any online!

Alfred Kubin - Beautiful, but never the less, quite disturbing drawings.

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