Wednesday 25 November 2009

Tutorial 24.11.09 - silence round up

Yesterday we had our weekly tutor group with Liz. Because we missed last week as Liz and I were both helping out with UCAS in London, we spent the first half recapping the silence brief.

My review was in the morning before we flew to New York in the evening. As soon as we got back I went home for the weekend and spent most of the time working on my essay, then as soon as I got back to manchester I went of to London to work at the UCAS fair for a few days. So really I felt like I'd had two weeks off and not got very far at all with anything, especially silence. At the weekend I had looked through my silence work for the first time in what felt like ages to try to re-evaluate where I was and what I needed to do and I totally began to freak out and worry that my moving image piece wasn't going to round up everything I'd done, worrying that I had bits of work that I wanted to include that just wouldn't fit into it.

A good chat with Helen and Liz got me back on track again though. I calmed down and realised that I don't have to include every little reference to what I've done and that my moving image piece will be contextualised to my work if I do it properly. I also finally got it clear in my head that I, personally, need to contextualise my work. I find it really difficult to just go off and do something for the sake of it just to see what happens if there is absolutely no link to my idea and work. This doesn't mean I can't experiment and push boundaries, but I need everything to be done for a reason otherwise I don't feel there is any point to producing it.

So, I decided with Liz that my plan of action is to brainstorm some narratives that can tie my work together into a moving image piece and begin to draw storyboards up. On Thursday I am going to see Gary about equipment and technical stuff, and then it'l just be a matter of a day in the studio filming. I know I have a lot of work to do to make this work, but it's manageble and I feel a lot better now I've got a definite plan!

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